Thursday, November 19, 2015

There’s something so invigorating & refreshing about being a mystery. Living in a world where we feel like we need to share every detail of our lives can be exhausting. I want to be better. I want to live more in the moment & not feel the need to constantly be sharing. I mean, I love brownies, but I don’t think you get brownie points for posting your most un-authentic self on Instagram. Oops, sorry. So delight in being alone & love your own company. Let people wonder. Loose ends will leave people intrigued, curious, and wanting more. (Lol cuz I have the most curious mind in the world) What’s that saying again? “Curiosity killed the cat” Ya. Well I’m the cat & I’m seriously gonna get killed. That’s beside the point though. The point is, nothing will speak more loudly than your silence. These things take a great amount of self-control but the reward is worth it. You’ll start to create more sincere and personal relationships in your life. Promise.
So, keep it real, keep it simple.

Side note: Don’t get me wrong; I really do love the sharing world WHEN used correctly! Speaking of the sharing world, thank you Man Repeller for the sweater scarf idea! My neck has never been warmer. I like to think I am inventive & would have thought of it on my own, but no. Here is the link if you have no idea what I am talking about. (a day ago I wouldn't have known what I was talking about either) My sister introduced this blog to me, as well as the confidence to wear my hair in two buns w/o feeling like a 5 year old. (sweater scarf & buns pictured below, even though you can’t really see my buns) lol buns.



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