Sunday, November 22, 2015


I've been working on finding joy in the small things lately. Sometimes things don't work out the way you had hoped or wished or wanted or prayed for or (you get the point) & suddenly your world is completely twisted & just kinda sucks for a second. Anyone relate? Well the best part is, it's only for a second. At least in the whole scheme of things. But that doesn't mean it's easy, i'll be the first to tell you that! Those "seconds" have been the times i've hurt the most, cried the hardest, & felt things so deeply that I never thought I would recover. But I thank the Lord everyday for those struggles because those are also the times I grew the most, learned things that I couldn't have learned any other way, & truly found myself. 

You guys, there is so much to be happy about!

Happy List #1

BØRNS new album  |  peanut butter  |  my two sisters living in Logan with me & being my best friends  |  spontaneous road trips to California to see One Direction at the Ellen show  |  having my own room  |  candles, I freaking love candles & anything that smells good  |  cooking classes  |  new shoes  |  going home on the weekends  |  anything that motivates me to be better & gives me strength  |  chapstick  |  eyebrows  |  holidays  |  flowers |  nice people  |  traveling  |  new opportunities, even though they scary  |  funny people  |  God's tender mercies  |  yoga  |  exercising, running makes me so happy, the song Aftergold by Big Wild is mah jam while running  |  sleeping at last  |  mountains  |  rooms with big windows  |  socks  |  having my nails painted after not having them painted for a while, but only if it is shellac cuz nail polish is just the worst now  |  pine trees for miles  |  peppermint tea  |  when I like a picture that is taken of me  |  camping  |  Justin Bieber's love yourself & I'll show you music videos  |  finding new music  |  turtle necks  |  cookie dough  |  when I get to see my best friend & things are still the exact same because she is the best & I love her  |  cafe rio wednesdays  |  aerobics class, guys it's so fun  |  when the day is over & I get to be alone in my room  |  when my eyeliner is on point  |  parks & rec  |  new beginnings  |  putting together outfits  |  7-11 hot chocolate  |  the freckles on my shoulders  |  driving with the music loud. I don't always turn the music down while driving, but when I do, i'm lost  |  breakfast, fav meal of the day  |  group texts with my family  |  being a barista, I super enjoy making coffee drinks & it's kinda my pride & joy when I make a perfect latte  |  when my parents don't respond to my texts so I have to text my little sister to tell her to tell them to look at their phones |  day trips to SLC  |  going out to eat  |  concerts |  costco  |  gma  |  things with big chunks, like ice cream with brownie bites or something in it |  sufjan stevens  |

& I could go on. Obvi. 

So what my little sister is taller than me, I love it & wouldn't want it any other way! *crying laughing face emoji* cuz that was the biggest lie ever. Of course being an inch or two or three or four taller would rock my world but it's just not worth stressing over amirite? My life, my journey, & my dreams are different than anyone else's & there is something so beautiful about that. Make the effort to be happy but also know it's okay to be sad. With that being said, stay tuned for my next blog post about how much I hate being single again, jk.. *crying*

1 comment:

  1. Can I just copy/paste everything on your happy list because AMEN.
    I love so much about this post, keep writing.
