Monday, March 21, 2016

Ok. Where do I start?


I guess I'll start by saying I can't believe it took me 9 years to get to the point where I (finally) feel comfortable talking about my eating disorder when I was 12. Yup, at 12 years old I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa & spent countless nights in & out of the hospital, in therapy, & when nothing was working, 6 months as an inpatient at the Center for Change. (omg thank you center you saved me) & that's not counting the everyday fight & the years of recovery at home after all of that shiz! That's pretty much all I am going to say about that (for now) because this is still a... special... no that's not the word, a sacred... def no, dang it what word am I looking for!? I guess personal will do. This is still a very personal thing in my life & I don't want to share it in detail with the online world. (who's even reading this anyway amirite?) You might be wondering why I am sharing it at all then? Well, let me tell you. Even though I've been quiet about it for all these years, I never wanted to be because I know how important it is to share your story, bring awareness to the issue, & recognize & help those struggling. So yeah, I guess I'm just realizing that sharing my story could help someone else struggling & encourage recovery as well as prevention cuz eating disorders are real & they are scary & no one deserves to suffer. I am a beyond happier person now than I EVER ever ever ever was when ED was taking over me. I'm so happy I had parents who supported me & did everything they could to help me. So thanks ya'll. 


Love. Moe