That’s right, I’m pregnant! 20 weeks already actually! Eric and I had a “scare” in October of 2019 and I thought I might be pregnant.. I was freaking out because I didn’t think I was ready to be pregnant. Then when I started my period I cried real tears because I was so sad . I really thought I was pregnant for some reason so when I found out I wasn’t I realized that I, in fact, was ready to have a baby and it’s all I could think about. So November rolls around and we “try” to get pregnant this time. Then we waited. It seemed like the longest 2 weeks of my life!! I took a pregnancy test a week later and it was negative. I knew it was too early to tell but I just assumed i probably wasn’t. Then I took another one a couple more days later, still negative. At this point I’m like okay I’m not pregnant it’s fine. Then I take a third test 4 days before I was supposed to start my period. That’s when they say it can be detected. Well, still negative. So I get back in bed and tell Eric who is still asleep. “Still negative.” Well, about an hour later we get up and start getting ready for the day. I look at the test again that I left on the bathroom counter and I see the faintest line. I’m in shock! It’s so faint I don’t know if it’s real so I try to keep my cool. I chug a water bottle and wait till o have to pee agin. Finally, I take another test and the same faint line appears. I KNEW I was pregnant at this point. But I of course take a pregnancy test everyday for the next few days just to make sure. The line just got darker and darker each time! Such a surreal feeling! The baby growing inside me is now the only thing I think about. I impatiently wait for my first prenatal appointment! Everyday feels like a year but eventually I got to see and hear my baby’s heartbeat! The best sound in the world! The wait in between appts is long and worrisome plus I felt terrible from about week 5 to week 9. Super nauseous all the time and absolutely NO energy. Thankfully it was short lived in the grand scheme of things! Eric and I told our families at around 9 weeks which was an exciting time! We also decided that we wanted to have an early scan at 17 weeks to find out baby’s gender. Best decision! We basically had a mini anatomy scan and finding out baby was a GIRL was like no other feeling. I was more excited to tell our families the gender than I was to tell them I was pregnant! Well here we are now, at 21 weeks tomorrow and I would have never guessed we’d be in the middle of a global pandemic, but that’s our reality. Eric can no longer come to my appts and I’m just praying this is better by August so that he can be with me during the birth of our sweet baby. Only time will tell but all I can do now is live in the moment and be grateful for a healthy baby! We love you!
Xoxo, Moe
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