Friday, May 13, 2016


It's been a while & so much in my life has changed, like how did I even get to where I am now? I have no idea but it all feels right. I don't really know why cuz it's not like thaaaaaaat much is going for me rn but I just feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be & things are just good. Like, everything is going to be okay. I don't know about you but that's the best feeling in the world. 

First things first, Provo. I've finally adjusted to life here & it's not too bad. I live with my best friend & 20 minutes from home. Like, yes please. The only bad part about it all is that Lis & Aim are still in Logan & they just need to move here already so that we can be together again cuz I miss them. Also, i'm still trying to figure this place out like adventure wise. I know what hikes & places I like in Logan but I don't know where anything is here. I got the all trails app so hopefully that will lead me to some good times. 

Second, my job. It gives me un-needed anxiety & stress but I love it. I feel like I have grown & learned so much already! Being a dental assistant is the best. The office I work at is bomb & my coworkers are top.

Third & lastly (but most importantly) MERV! Baby Merv is born! 03/03/2016, 9 Ibs 4 oz -- thank you Steve & Car! He has been in the nicu so I haven't even met him yet but from pics he is perfect & last night I saw him through the hospital window. It's like he is in jail or something. Anyway, he goes home today so I am going to meet him rn so gotta go. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. Mervin!!! I'm so glad you like Provo. Boo. You're gonna do great thing down there! Ugh.
